Thursday, July 22, 2010


So today was my second day of the second semester of my second year of university. I can't believe I have already completed half of my degree. Time goes far too quickly. This semester I am taking the following units
  • Integrated Marketing Communication
  • Public Relations Research and Techniques
  • Media, Culture, Power
  • Screen Theories and Techniques
Yesterday I had IMC and let's just say, it was not what I expected. For one, the teacher was a woman I had never meet before. Nice, but maybe a little strange. She tended to laugh at her self and nobody was willing to participate in any of her discussions, which made everything just a tad more awkward. Also we were shafted into a portable classroom. It honestly felt like a dungeon, or a prison..or even better, that I was still in high school. I didn't even know that portable classrooms even existed at my university, I thought Monash was a little classier than that.
What totally topped off an already bad class, was the fact that we got our assignment details. We are to write 5500 words over two assignments about either a) cat food b) an ink pen or c) a sleeping bag. What dismal and boring products! I was hoping for something with a little more punch. How can anybody write 5500 words about a sleeping bag!!
The coursework doesn't sound too bad and some of the things we cover over the semester look quite interesting. I borrowed the textbook from the library today (because I can't justify spending $120 on it) I should probably go and do some study now :P

Today I had my screen theories and techniques class. I love our lecturer, as I have previously had him before. The coursework sounds interesting. Each week we get to watch a different movie, and then spend the remainder of the seminar discussing it. We get to watch movies such as Casablanca, American Beauty, Fight Club and Elephant. I think I am going to enjoy this class :)

Tomorrow morning at 9am I have my other communications class, media, culture, power. I don't know what to expect from this class. But at least my buddy Sarah will make it a little less painful.

I got my public relations reader and unit guide in the mail on Tuesday. I really should start reading it, but it is seriously thicker than Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. It's huge. It will take me my whole life to read each reading within it!!

Overall I am looking forward to this semester of uni. Last semester I got pretty good results, but I am hoping for very good results this semester. This post is pointless and if I don't stop now, I may waffle on all night.