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Although I do love Edward and Bella (kind of)...
I love Simmone and Damo more :)
Damo is not like Edward. He doesn't control what I do, who I talk to or where I go.
Damo doesn't accuse me of cheating and is never jealous of my outside relationships. He doesn't look at me like I am something to eat and doesn't threaten to kill me (especially not on our first date) ;)
Damien is the most amazing person. I am so lucky to have him as a boyfriend. We have been together for two years and and three months and I have never been so happy. I know it sounds corny but he is my best friend. We are totally on the same wavelength and we just 'get' each other :)
I have mastered the art of procrastination. Procrastinating is the one thing that I am truly good at. Leaving things to the last minute is my specialty. I am always making up excuses not to do something. The other day I watched a television documentary on how wallpaper is made, just to avoid doing some marketing revision.
I will do anything to postpone things. I will do the stupidest things just to avoid doing study. Like check my emails, clean my room, cut my toe nails, read my horoscope and of course, sit on the computer for hours. I can't help it though and it is such a bad habit. I know about uni assignments for months, yet I always try and finish them the night before and majority of the time they get handed in late. I procrastinate, procrastinate, procrastinate...until the very last possible moment. I let my hair get super dirty before I wash it, I let my phone die before I charge it and I let my room get super dirty before I even think about cleaning it. I am always trying to get to uni in about 20 minutes when really it should take me a good half an hour drive. That is because I even procrastinate getting out of bed. I press snooze about five times, then usually end up falling back to sleep and having to get ready in a mad rush.I wish I was more organised with my time. Really I hate procrastinating and I wish I could kick the habit. I try writing things down in my plan, having a schedule, but still I find ways around it. I will think of any reason not to do something. I'm addicted to procrastinating!
So I've been a very unfaithful blogger and for that I apologise. I have been super busy lately and have had hardly any free time to do anything remotely enjoyable, such as blog! I have been flat out with uni assignments (I have handed in two and have another five to hand in within the next four weeks). I can't complain though because some of the assignment topics have been rather fun and interesting to research. Such as an assignment on the iSnack 2.0 campaign, a report on visitors to the Melbourne Zoo and I have an upcoming assignment on fandom (I think I will do it on Harry Potter)!! Did I ever mention I love my degree? Because I do ;)
The other reason I have been so busy is because I have been working so much. I like my job but I am getting suck of doing the same things every shift. I found out today I am being rostered on to work 2-7 EVERY Saturday and Sunday! Goodbye to my already non-existent social life!
Other exciting news is that my best friend Danielle is pregnant! So now I have both my best friend and my sister expecting babies, this year is getting more exciting each day. I am so excited to be an aunty, it is going to be amazing. Danielle is due approximately five weeks after Connie. August/September is going to be a crazy crazy time.
In other news my boyfriend and I are getting closer each day in saving enough money for a home loan deposit. I am so keen to move out, I am far too impatient. We are hoping to have enough money by August and then we will start looking for that perfect first home.
At the moment that's my life in a nutshell. This weekend, besides working, I plan on buying the New Moon DVD and watching it on repeat. Sad I know! Eclipse comes out in about 9 weeks. EXCITING!
I promise to blog more and I apologise for my lack thereof.
Love Monipops
P.S I'd like to say thank you to Frangipani Princess for passing on the blog award to me (I'll post a response asap) and I'd also like to congratulate her on her new role as teen mag reviewer on Girl With A Satchel ;)
So finally went and saw The Last Song and strangely enough, I enjoyed it. For some reason I thought that it would be a cute and fluffy romance but I was totally wrong. Who was I to make such a quick judgment when I haven't even read the book yet. I must admit the acting was umm kind of embarrassing but I think it was the storyline I enjoyed.
Just like Taylor Swift copped bad reviews for her appearance in Valentine's Day, Miley Cyrus has also been receiving bad reviews with critics saying she should 'stick to her music'. Lou Lumenick from the New York Post said, "Cyrus pouts her way through a fire, a wedding and a funeral." Even though this was Miley's first major acting role and I think she did an okay job, I do agree her facial expressions were rather, lets say annoying.
The Last Song is about how Ronnie (Miley Cyrus) spends the summer with her estranged father where they eventually reconnect with each other through music. Ronnie also falls for local boy Will (Liam Hemsworth) who I must add, is a total hottie! They are so cute together and its even more cute that they are together in real life. Jonah (Ronnies little brother) was absolutely hilarious and said the funniest one liners. He was definitely my favourite character.
The movie was romantic, funny and somewhat sad and other than Miley's sour pout I must say The Last Song was totally sweet.