Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Today is the day that we get to put in our preferences for our class times for next semester.
I was hoping that I would have some room to play with my timetable, in the hope of fitting all my classes into a few days. I could never be that lucky!

I have class Monday-Friday and they are all auto-allocated which means I don't have the option to change them. It is so annoying considering I only have a couple of hours of class per day. In total I've only got 11 hours of class, that could easily be squeezed into a few days. Whoever makes the timetables is really bad at organising.

On Monday I have a one hour Public Relations lecture, with the one hour tutorial being on the Tuesday. How inconvenient. I have decided that I am going to take Public Relations off campus next semester. At first the thought kinda scared me, but I really think it is a smart move.

Off campus study is so much better than studying on campus, what's not to love when you get the exact same information as the on campus students. All of the lecture powerpoint slides are uploaded to the internet and there is an online discussion board to chat to other people studying on and off campus. The only thing is that you don't actually have to rock up to lectures and tutorials, which means added sleep in time! :)

My friend Kirsty is also going to take Public Relations off campus next semester as it clashes with one of her seminars. I think we might meet up once a week to go over the PR material, which I think would be really helpful!

I've thought about studying more units by distance education but I actually like going to uni. So we'll see how I go next semester studying one unit off campus and maybe in 2011 I will consider taking perhaps two units by correspondence.

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