Wednesday, April 21, 2010


So I've been a very unfaithful blogger and for that I apologise. I have been super busy lately and have had hardly any free time to do anything remotely enjoyable, such as blog! I have been flat out with uni assignments (I have handed in two and have another five to hand in within the next four weeks). I can't complain though because some of the assignment topics have been rather fun and interesting to research. Such as an assignment on the iSnack 2.0 campaign, a report on visitors to the Melbourne Zoo and I have an upcoming assignment on fandom (I think I will do it on Harry Potter)!! Did I ever mention I love my degree? Because I do ;)

The other reason I have been so busy is because I have been working so much. I like my job but I am getting suck of doing the same things every shift. I found out today I am being rostered on to work 2-7 EVERY Saturday and Sunday! Goodbye to my already non-existent social life!

Other exciting news is that my best friend Danielle is pregnant! So now I have both my best friend and my sister expecting babies, this year is getting more exciting each day. I am so excited to be an aunty, it is going to be amazing. Danielle is due approximately five weeks after Connie. August/September is going to be a crazy crazy time.

In other news my boyfriend and I are getting closer each day in saving enough money for a home loan deposit. I am so keen to move out, I am far too impatient. We are hoping to have enough money by August and then we will start looking for that perfect first home.

At the moment that's my life in a nutshell. This weekend, besides working, I plan on buying the New Moon DVD and watching it on repeat. Sad I know! Eclipse comes out in about 9 weeks. EXCITING!

I promise to blog more and I apologise for my lack thereof.

Love Monipops

P.S I'd like to say thank you to Frangipani Princess for passing on the blog award to me (I'll post a response asap) and I'd also like to congratulate her on her new role as teen mag reviewer on Girl With A Satchel ;)

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