Sunday, March 14, 2010


Both my boyfriend and I still live at home, but about a year ago we decided that we would like to move out. We thought it would be a good idea to start buying things early so when we finally moved out we would already have everything we would need. Although we are still currently living at home I am so happy that we decided to do this. We are now saving up for a home loan and by the end of this year we should have enough for the deposit. I am so excited to move out and finally use all the things that are stored under my bed or in the garage. Each week we'd put some money aside and then go shopping on the weekend for house stuff. Since everything is away in storage I kinda forgot how much we really had :)
So far these are the things we have bought. They are all brand new and in their boxes.

-Washing Machine
-Pots & Pans
-Dinner Sets
-Bath Towels
-Tea Towels
-Cutlery Set
-Kitchen Utensils
-Rubbish Bin
-Floor Lamps
-Knife Set
-Chopping Board
-Soup Bowls
-Kitchen Table
-TV Stand
-Outdoor Setting

The only other things we will need to buy are a new couch, television and a vacuum cleaner. I am so proud that we have already acquired all of these items. When it comes to us moving out it is going to make things a whole lot easier. I have chosen to go with a red/cream/black color scheme so all the items match. Both Damo and I are currently saving $135 each a week. So thats $1080 a month that we can put towards a home loan. We are extremely happy that we never rented a house. Personally I think renting is an absolute waste of money. You are only paying off someone elses mortgage! When the time comes that Damo and I buy a house, it may possibly be the best day of my life!

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